Effortless Networking.
crowdsourced 360° feedback from every intro: meet the perfect person, now.

Manage your informal connections. Pick up where you left off with conversations from 6-months ago. Track referrals and troubleshoot introductions without lifting a finger. Become a HyperConnector.

What is HyperConnector?

HyperConnector helps you develop the relationships for your weak ties. This could mean a meeting frequency of every 3 months or 3 years, you are still caught up with your connection through crowdsourced feedback from everyone meeting with your contact.

No longer do you need to polish your resume, your connections will share with your network the value you are delivering in every interaction.

Spend less time explaining and more time delivering for your network. Serendipity happens when others know your priorities and your goals.


Serendipity Amplified

See who is connected to who, and instantly leverage your conversations with those you need to meet

Crowdsourced Feedback

Pick up where you left off, but leverage feedback from others to know exactly how creative you can get with your asks

15 seconds or less CRM

All your metrics/data for your relationships and connections are inputted after every single instance in 15-seconds or less.

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